Clever replies when people ask why you HOMESCHOOL YOUR KIDS

Parents decide to home-school their kids for many different reasons, and families who put their kids in public school always want to know why.

Public school isn’t for everyone, some parents don’t want their children to be in a class with kids who have major behavior problems, different religious beliefs or who are slow academically. If you homeschool bright children, they may even be able to skip ahead a couple of grades.

Some people may find your reasons for homeschooling insulting or politically incorrect. Next time someone asks you why you homeschool, try using one of our great comebacks to let them know why in a kind way.

10 Best replies to why do you homeschool your kids

1. We homeschool because civilized is better than socialized.

2. I homeschool because I don’t believe in the mass production of human beings.

3. Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish, on its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing it’s stupid.

4. I homeschool because I have seen the village and I don’t want it raising my children.

5. We decided to homeschool our kids to give them a flexible learning school that is tailored to their needs.

6. Homeschooling allows us to teach our values and install our beliefs into our kids.

7. We think that with homeschooling we can allow our kids to explore their own interests and dive deeper into certain topics.

8. We want our kids to have a love for learning, and that often disappears in a classroom setting.

9. With homeschooling, our family can travel while the kids learn in a supportive setting.

10. I think education isn’t one size fits all. We wanted a plan that would work for our child’s interests and special needs.


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Why do people what to know why you homeschool your kids

People may be interested to know why someone parents choose to homeschool their kids because they want to understand alternative approaches to education, which may be different from their own beliefs. They are probably curious about your personal reasons behind your educational choices for your kids.

It’s natural for people to be curious about different parenting and educational decisions, and discussing homeschooling can lead to valuable conversations about the diverse ways of thinking families approach their children’s learning and development.

How to deal with people criticizing your choice to homeschool your children

When facing criticism for homeschooling your kids, it’s important to respond with patience and understanding. Here are some things to consider:

Inform and education: Share why you chose to homeschool and how your kids have benefited so far from the positive aspects of homeschooling.

2. Engage in respectful dialogue: You can address the concerns of friends and family as to why you chose homeschooling and learn up any misconceptions they have. Understand that whenever you do something different from the traditional path there are going to be critics.

3. Have confidence in your decision: Only you know what is best for your child, an you can deflect unwanted criticism and stay strong to your beliefs about why you chose to homeschool in the first place.

4. Seek support from likeminded people: Find and connect with other people who are also sharing the homeschooling experience. There are many Facebook groups and support networks, where will people will be more likely to share your world view and help you navigate criticism about your choices.

5. Set Boundaries: If people are being disrespectful towards your choice of how to school your children it may be time to boundary up. You have the right to disengage from conversations that insulting and are unproductive..

Remember that every family’s educational choices are unique, and it’s important to prioritize what works best for your children and your family.

Gemma was insulted by criticism of why she chose to homeschool her special needs child

Gemma, a dedicated mother, made the decision to homeschool her special needs child, Ethan, after carefully considering his unique educational needs. She soon encountered criticism from a neighbour who questioned her choice, claiming that traditional schooling would be better for Ethan.

Initially shocked, Gemma calmly explained her reasons for homeschooling, emphasizing the personalized attention and tailored learning environment that Ethan required. Despite her efforts to explain, the neighbor continued to criticize her decision, insisting that homeschooling was limiting Ethan’s social interaction and educational opportunities.

Feeling insulted, Gemma sought support from a local homeschooling community and connected with other parents facing similar challenges. Encouraged by their experiences and advice, Gemma gained confidence in her decision and found strength in the solidarity of the homeschooling network.

Determined to address the criticism constructively, Gemma invited the neighbor to visit their homeschooling sessions, allowing her to witness firsthand the progress Ethan was making in a supportive and nurturing environment. As the neighbor observed Ethan’s personalized learning plan and the positive impact of one-on-one instruction, she began to understand the value of homeschooling for a child with special needs.

Through open dialogue and mutual understanding, the neighbor’s initial criticism transformed into admiration for Gemma’s dedication and the progress Ethan was making. The experience not only strengthened Gemma’s resolve but also fostered a newfound respect and support from her neighbour.

Gemma’s unwavering commitment to providing the best education for Ethan, coupled with her willingness to engage in respectful dialogue, helped her navigate criticism and ultimately foster understanding and acceptance within her community.

The Role of counselling and self care

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When you are dealing with a person who asks why you home school and you find it stressful, consider getting support from a professional. Talking to a counselor is a great way to work through a challenging situation, and help you find some strategies to work through the person’s behaviour.

Better Help is a great resource where you can talk to a counselor from the comfort of your own home. 

Taking care of your own needs isn’t selfish, and you will feel better in the long run.

Got any comments, questions or tips for dealing with someone who asks why you home school? Share them in the comments below.

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One Comment

  1. I’m actually doing homeschool, like, I’m the one learning, and I think I should show my mom this…. Thing is…….. These are a little weak………. How about “The kid’s going to be smarter, because they aren’t going to spend an hour choosing some crazy outfit instead of learning.” or something like that…..

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