Great replies when someone asks why you are a vegetarian. Check out our great comebacks.

Ask Bryn

Bryn Connor Square

Hey Bryn,

I’m a vegetarian and people are always making fun of me for that. Do you have any good comebacks for me to say to them? I’m so sick of saying “because”
Cheers Bee 🙂

New Zealand


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Hey Bee,

Being a vegetarian is a personal choice and it really is nobody’s business what you choose to do. Imagine how strange it would be if you went around demanding to know why someone eats beef or pork?

In a perfect world, nosy people would learn to mind their own business, but I don’t think that’s going to happen anytime soon.

Below are a few things you can say if someone is giving you a hard time


10 Best comebacks when someone asks why you are vegetarian

1. You are what you eat, and I don’t eat corpses.

2. Probably the same reasons you don’t eat humans.

3. Oh wow, look at that. You paid a person to kill an animal that was bred and born in captivity… you’re such a tough guy – not.

4. I choose to be vegetarian for ethical and personal health reasons.

5. I’ve found that a vegetarian diet aligns more with my personal values and beliefs.

6. I prefer to eat a plant-based diet because I feel better and for its positive impact on the environment.

7. I choose to be vegetarian because I don’t want to be a part of the herd mentality. Just because everyone else eats meat doesn’t mean I have to.

8, I’ve found that becoming a vegetarian has greatly improved how I feel every day. I have 2 times the energy of most people.

9. I have found the vegetarian diet provides me with the nutrition I need while being mindful of animal welfare, which I think is important.

10. Because I feel better easting a plant based lifestyle.

Why do people question vegetarians choice not to eat meat

People may question vegetarians for several different reasons. People have curiosity about the vegetarian lifestyle, a lack of understanding about the health and ethical aspects of vegetarianism, or simply a desire to engage in conversation.

Form many, dietary choices can be a sensitive topic of conversation, when people question vegetarians they may not be familiar with a plant based diet or have they an interest in learning more about it.

People are entitled to their own personal opinions, and it is helpful to approach questions with understanding in a way that is respectful to both parties.

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How to deal with people who give you a hard time for being vegetarian

Dealing with people who give you a hard time for being vegetarian can be challenging, but here are some strategies to handle the situation:

1. Educate and inform: Share information about the health, ethical, and environmental benefits of a vegetarian diet in a calm and respectful manner. Many people haven’t been exposed to the benefits of being a vegetarian.

2. Boundary up: Ask people to respect your choices and the diet that is best for you.

3. Divert the conversation: If faced with criticism about your eating choices, steer the conversation towards more positive or neutral topics.

4. Lead by example: Be a role model for the vegetarian lifestyle, and show the positive impact it has had on your life.

5. Empathize and listen: If the person lacks awareness around a plant based life try to respond with empty and kindness.

6. Stay strong: Even if others don’t agree with you, be confident about your choice to become a vegetarian and don’t feel pressured to justify your dietary choices to others.

Seek support: Surround yourself with other vegetarians who support animals and the environment.

Remember that everyone has the right to make their own dietary decisions, and it’s important to approach these conversations with patience, understanding, and respect.

10 celebrities who are vegetarians

Here are 10 famous individuals who are known for following a vegetarian diet:

1. Natalie Portman – Actress

2. Ariana Grande – Singer

3. Miley Cyrus – Singer

4. Alicia Silverstone – Actress

5. Ellen DeGeneres – TV Host

6. Joaquin Phoenix – Actor

7. Paul McCartney – Musician, member of the Beatles

8. Pamela Anderson – Actress

9. Morrissey – Musician

10. Peter Dinklage – Actor

These individuals have publicly spoken about their vegetarian lifestyle and have been advocates for animal rights and environmental sustainability.

Kerry was tired of being asked why she was vegetarian

Kerry had been a vegetarian for several years, and she was tired of constantly being asked why she chose this lifestyle. Every time she attended a social gathering or dined out with friends, the same question seemed to arise, and she found herself having to explain her reasons repeatedly. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to share her beliefs, but the constant scrutiny was exhausting. She longed for a world where her dietary choices were simply accepted without question.

One day, Kerry decided to host a dinner party for her friends. She prepared a delicious vegetarian feast, showcasing the variety and creativity of meat-free cuisine. As her guests savored the flavorful dishes, she noticed a shift in their attitudes.

Instead of questioning her choices, they were intrigued and impressed by the culinary delights she had presented. It was a turning point, and Kerry realized that perhaps the best way to address the constant inquiries was to demonstrate the richness of vegetarian cuisine firsthand.

From that day on, Kerry’s friends and acquaintances began to appreciate and understand her vegetarian lifestyle without the need for probing questions. Her dinner party had sparked a newfound understanding, and she no longer felt burdened by the need to justify her choices. It was a small victory, but it brought her a sense of relief and empowerment, knowing that her actions had spoken louder than words.

The Role of counselling and self care

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When you are dealing with people asking why you are vegetarian and you find it stressful, consider getting support from a professional. Talking to a counselor is a great way to work through a challenging situation, and help you find some strategies to work through the person’s behaviour.

Better Help is a great resource where you can talk to a counselor from the comfort of your own home. 

Taking care of your own needs isn’t selfish, and you will feel better in the long run.

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